5 Reasons Why NVA Tertiary Education Training Centres Is Considering Excellent

5 Reasons Why NVA Tertiary Education Training Centres Is Considering Excellent

novena tuition centre

“In Dec 2021, my founder Chan Wai Sun decided to give the education industry something beautiful a curriculum that is beautifully concise, meticulously Concise, and greatly equipped with inspiring excellence. Hence, Academic Coaches Program has been born! And it all started with one small idea into a concept. I realized that the only way to make this vision come true was to create a very clear-cut method of teaching that would inspire students to excellence through their passion for learning.”

“The NVA Tuition Centre is a perfect example of how a vision can be achieved by sharing it with others. Teachers at the NVA are passionate about their subject matter, and they understand the importance of student retention. They put a great deal of effort into the design of their curriculum, including hiring an outstanding teacher with a wide range of skills, talents, and credentials. The result? Students leave the school not only having learned a lot, but also having grown spiritually. This type of growth cannot happen at most schools.”

“As a former student at the NVA, I was blown away by their caring, compassionate attitude toward their students. The level of student satisfaction reported by former students at the NVA is far greater than any other education institute in Victoria. It is rare to find such high levels of student satisfaction in the private tuition market.” – Greg Ivers, Victoria University Student Humanities and Social Sciences Society

“I was very impressed with the values that the NVA tuition centre pursues. I was also very impressed with the manner in which the faculty and administrative staff interact with their students. The academic and social stimulation provided to students by their instructors was also extremely encouraging. These are the kinds of things that make a campus memorable, and they come highly recommended.” – Terrie Williams, Victoria University Student Humanities and Social Sciences Society

“I was blown away by how involved the NVA was with their students’ development. They set up a really comprehensive support system for them, including engaging the student’s parents. The approach is very similar to the UQA approach, but the similarities end there. The NVA is more attentive to building a community spirit around the campus, and they work hard to provide opportunities to young people. I think that this commitment goes far beyond the classroom.” – Paul Boyce, Victoria University Student Humanities and Social Sciences Society

“N VA delivers exactly what it says on the tin – an innovative, quality education that prepares you for the future. The facilities at NVA are topnotch, and the staff and faculty are very friendly and helpful. They genuinely care about each and every student.” – Ben Bradstock, Manager of admissions, NVA Learning Edge

The Novena tuition centre provides all the resources and information you need to get an excellent education. I don’t know anyone else in Australia who would turn down such a wonderful opportunity. It makes sense to go to uni on the basis of your interests and then build upon that with quality courses and work experience. NVA’s tuition and learning experience have been consistently high and their facilities to hold their value. It has been recommended by others.”

“I thoroughly enjoyed my time at NVA. The atmosphere at the university is excellent, with loads of student and faculty activity. I enjoyed being part of a predominantly academic environment, where all your problems will be solved quickly and efficiently – even if that’s not necessarily what a student might find appealing. The centre is committed to providing quality, professional advice to their students.” – Corin Terry, Victoria University Student Humanities and Social Sciences Society. (CTV). They also offer primary 6 programme here.